BOOKS IN PRINT, AUDIO, and ON SCREEN. Purveyors of Fine Knowledge.   



FALL 2022          

The Musician Healer: Transforming Art into Medicine

By Islene Runningdeer. Foreword TBA. This book resurrects a long-forgotten role for musicians and provides clear guidance for preparation and self-development as a musician healer. It begins with the author’s personal musical story that draws upon her Mi’kmaq/Abenaki First Nation and French roots, followed by a section on the history of musician healers from ancient Egypt and India. Runningdeer then explores the energetic aspects of music healing, especially the quality of personal energies that a musician channels through her music, and how to elevate and emanate those vibrations for positive healing outcomes. Release: Sept. 6, 2022.

Pine Box Parole: The True Case of Terry Fitzsimmons

By John L. Hill. Foreword by Raphael Rowe, author of Notorious and host of the Netflix series Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons. Afterword by Prof. Karamet Reiter. The book begins with convicted murderer Terry Fitzsimmons hanging himself in Kingston Penitentiary. Subsequent chapters explain the killer’s background and the senseless killings upon which he embarked after spending years in isolation. It then describes how an American psychiatry professor , Dr. Stuart Grassian, and a Canadian prison law lawyer, John L. Hill, team up to begin the ultimate end of solitary confinement within the prison system. Release date: Sept. 1, 2022.

Nahganne: Northern Tales of the Sasquatch

By Red Grossinger, Foreword by Raymond Yakeleya. Nahganne presents activities related to Sasquatch occurring in the North such as sightings, strange vocals, discovery of large human-liked footprints, strange animal reaction, and weird tree events. The book contains bits of history about the North, most specifically the Yukon, plus details about the First Nation Peoples and their history. In the book, Red Grossinger investigates and analyses the many reports that he has received with details about the encounters and occurrences. Release: Oct. 4, 2022

Generative Art for Python

By James R. Parker. Foreword TBA. Generative art is the art of the algorithm where artists design the nature of their work, and then implement it; in the case of this book, with the Python programming code. In the book, James R. Parker presents art and design best practices and generative art principles as a way to create Python program computer code that brings a unique art form to life. In addition, readers have access to program codes and video tutorials through the book’s web site. Release, Nov. 8, 2022. 


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