Generative Art: Algorithms as Artistic Tool


By James R. Parker; Foreword by Sara Diamond

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Generative art, a relatively new form of art, is the art of the algorithm where an artist must carefully design the nature of their art work and then instruct a computer to implement the vision. It is an important transformational art technology, well-positioned to inform the emotional realm of artificial intelligence. J.R. Parker’s book Generative Art: Algorithms as Artistic Tool presents generative art principles, and “Processing” sketchbook programming lessons in the same book. It presents a way to create generative art by combining the use of creative coding with art and design best practices. Readers have access to code used in the book through the book’s web site at, and video podcasts tutorials are also available for each chapter.

Go to James Parker's site for codes >>

Go to Video Podcasts  >>

Keywords: digital art, algorithms, Processing, generative art, artificial intelligence, computer interface, visual coding, randomness, animation, web art

What they say

“In an era in which Artificial Intelligence is positioned as both existential threat and transformational opportunity this book uses computational tools to augment and express human imagination, without supplanting human expression and experimentation.”

—Sara Diamond, President OCAD University


Info about the book

UPROUTE Imprint of Durvile Publications
ART046000 Art/Digital
6.25” x 9” | 272 pages
ISBN: 978-1-988824-38-3
Price $37.50 Can.; $29.95 US | Color & b/w pics
Book release date: January 1, 2020
Individuals: or buy online.
Booksellers: Order through University of Toronto (UTP)   

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