Umbilicus: Poetry and Visuals of the Sensuous


By Carrie Schiffler and Johanna Stickland

Umbilicus is a meditation on sensuality, sex, blood, hunger, and the sweet ache of shame’s hangover.
Carrie Schiffler is an actor, writer, and former exotic dancer.
Johanna Stickland is a photographer, painter, poet, and former fashion model.
Both are smitten by the female form, intrigued by unpolished beauty and drawn to dark pubs and radiant beings equally.
Not only do they share similar interests, they also share DNA. Carrie and Johanna are mother and daughter.
Umbilicus is their gift to one another and to those who wish the experience. Read excerpts  >>

Keywords: sensuous, poetry, erotica, photographer, painter, fashion model, exotic dancer, DNA


I no longer awake in a stranger’s bed
In search of myself | Me, the meat of me
Under the covers | Between the sheets
In the embrace
Of the unknown I would be defined
Or so I thought

I no longer awake questioning where or who I am

I no longer awake in a strangers bed
I awake alone
Comfortable with the company I keep.

—Carrie Schiffler


Info about Umbilicus

UPROUTE Imprint of Durvile Publications

POE023020 POETRY Love & Erotica.
Book Four in the Every River Poems Series
6” x 9” | 112 pages
ISBN: 978-1-988824-41-3 (paperback)
Price: $19.95 in Canada, $16.95 in US
Book release date, November 1, 2019


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