Go Ahead and Shoot Me!
And Other True Cases About Ordinary Criminals

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By Doug Heckbert
Foreword by Howard Sapers; Afterword by Detective Debbie J. Doyle (Ret.)

Official Release Date, October 2020. Book 7 in Durvile's True Cases Series.   

Go Ahead and Shoot Me is a collection of stories written and edited by former probation officer Doug Heckbert about real people who have been convicted of real crimes and who have been on probation, on parole, or in prison. The title story is of a woman who shot her husband upon his insistence and who, like many other subjects in the book, have come to see their offences as being “pretty stupid.” Some stories might be described as ordinary crimes and some are stunningly extraordinary, but all stories show the human side of criminals that Heckbert worked with and came to know, not just the nature of the crimes they committed. By getting inside glimpses of offender’s backstories, motivations, and personalities, Go Ahead and Shoot Me shows there is much more to an offender that just their criminal behavior. Says Heckbert, “I have always been guided by the mantra, “The criminal is not the crime.” Read excerpts  >>

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Keywords: criminal, shootings, probation, prison, probation officer, corrections


"I’m struck by how the True Cases series has a multiplicity of really authentic perspectives that are able to be our proxy or conduit into amazing worlds that we get to experience through these stories. In Doug Heckbert’s book Go Ahead and Shoot Me! these are stories should know because these are stories that are happening in our community and to our neighbours that we should know about but don’t.”
—Grant Stovers, CKUA Radio
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"Doug reminds us that when people commit a crime, they are criminal only in that moment. They have lives and ambitions beyond their crimes and the system is supposed to help them find their place in society once their debt is paid." — Howard Sapers, Correctional Investigator of Canada (ret.)

Durvile & UpRoute Books gratefully acknowledges funding from Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund, and Alberta Government through the Alberta Media Fund.